The list of data pairs offered by Supra is getting longer every day, but sometimes you might not find the exact pair that you have been looking for. In such instances, the data pair conversion functionality will come in handy.
The data pair conversion process requires just two simple steps:
Step 1: Request for the bytes proof of two input pairs you would be using to derive a new pair via Web2 and verify the prices with the Supra Pull contract.
Step 2: Request for a data pair conversion by interacting with the Supra Storage Contract.
So, let's demonstrate how it works with an example case.
Step 1 : Inherit or copy these interfaces into the contract
Step 2 :: Interface with the Supra Pull Contract and Storage Contract
contract MockOracleClient is Ownable {
// The oracle pull contract address
ISupraOraclePull public supra_pull;
// The oracle storage contract address
ISupraSValueFeed public supra_storage;
// Event emitted when a pair price is received
event PairPrice(uint256 pair, uint256 price, uint256 decimals);
constructor(ISupraOraclePull pull_, ISupraSValueFeed storage_) {
supra_pull = pull_;
supra_storage = storage_; // Supra storage contract address
Step 3 :: Add this function to fetch the derived price pair
function GetDerivedPairPrice(bytes calldata _bytesProof, uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,uint256 operation) external
// derivedData is the structure for derived price and dp stores the derived price data
ISupraSValueFeed.derivedData memory dp = ISupraSValueFeed(supra_storage).getDerivedSvalue(pair_id_1,pair_id_2,operation);
Step 4 :: (Recommended) Update the Supra Pull and Storage Contracts
function updatePullAddress(ISupraOraclePull oracle_)
onlyOwner {
supra_pull = oracle_;
function updateStorageAddress(ISupraSValueFeed storage_)
onlyOwner {
supra_storage = storage_;
Below is an example implementation on how your contract would look like:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
interface ISupraOraclePull {
// Verified price data
struct PriceData {
// List of pairs
uint256[] pairs;
// List of prices
// prices[i] is the price of pairs[i]
uint256[] prices;
// List of decimals
// decimals[i] is the decimals of pairs[i]
uint256[] decimals;
function verifyOracleProof(bytes calldata _bytesProof)
returns (PriceData memory);
interface ISupraSValueFeed {
struct derivedData{
int256 roundDifference;
uint256 derivedPrice;
uint256 decimals;
function getDerivedSvalue(uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,uint256 operation)
returns (derivedData memory);
// Mock contract which can consume oracle pull data
contract MockOracleClient is Ownable {
/// @notice The oracle contract
ISupraOraclePull public supra_pull;
ISupraSValueFeed public supra_storage;
uint256 public dPrice;
uint256 public dDecimal;
int256 public dRound;
// Event emitted when a pair price is received
event PairPrice(uint256 pair, uint256 price, uint256 decimals);
constructor(ISupraOraclePull oracle_, ISupraSValueFeed storage_) {
supra_pull = oracle_;
supra_storage = storage_;
// Verify price updates recieved with Supra pull contract
function GetPairPrice(bytes calldata _bytesProof, uint256 pair) external
ISupraOraclePull.PriceData memory prices =
uint256 price = 0;
uint256 decimals = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < prices.pairs.length; i++) {
if (prices.pairs[i] == pair) {
price = prices.prices[i];
decimals = prices.decimals[i];
require(price != 0, "Pair not found");
return price;
// Get the Derived Pair Price using two pair from oracle data
// Input parameter for "Operation" would be, Multiplication=0 and Division=1
function GetDerivedPairPrice(bytes calldata _bytesProof, uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,uint256 operation) external
ISupraSValueFeed.derivedData memory dp = ISupraSValueFeed(supra_storage).getDerivedSvalue(pair_id_1,pair_id_2,operation);
function updatePullAddress(ISupraOraclePull oracle_)
onlyOwner {
supra_pull = oracle_;
function updateStorageAddress(ISupraSValueFeed storage_)
onlyOwner {
supra_storage = storage_;